(Israel) Purim Train (1949)


A train decorated with flags. A large crowd is gathered on a train station platform, including many children and youths. A sign in Hebrew reads: Purim Train. Children enter the train. The Chief Rabbi of Haifa Yehoshua Kaniel speaks. The Minister of Religious Affairs Rabbi Yehuda Leib (Fishman) Maimon speaks to pupils of the Religious Sports Union Elitzur. Children observe a view of Haifa through the train windows. Children singing on the train. The train passes through Emek Zevulun, an industrial area and fields. Children on the train wave to children running by the train tracks. Smokestacks. Elitzur pupils march with flags towards the religious youth village Hassidim. A ceremony at the youth village. Various speakers, including Maimon and Dr. Shmuel Zanvil Kahana. Distribution of Purim gifts. The ceremonial field. Raising the flag.

From the train of annihilation to the train of salvation, the Jews look like refugees in this this little clip here from the Archive of Israeli Films and the Jerusalem  Cinematheque documenting a public celebration of Purim in 1949. 


About zjb

Zachary Braiterman is Professor of Religion in the Department of Religion at Syracuse University. His specialization is modern Jewish thought and philosophical aesthetics. http://religion.syr.edu
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