Photographs (New York) (William Meyers)

There’s a nice showing of photographs, NEW YORK: STIEGLITZ TO TITARENKO at Nailya Alexander Gallery. I’m partial to this one by William Meyers, a photographer whom I happen to know and who’s work I like a lot. It’s straight photography.” I like everything about it –the  Italianate feel to the picture, the black and white tonality, the way the gardens and buildings frame a narrow view of the Hudson River, the quietness of the scene, the woman on the balcony, the fact that there is very little about this picture to identify it either with New York, which is the subject of the exhibition, or even with the late 20th century, when the picture was shot. If you were to look for the picture’s  punctum, what would it be? Probably not the woman on the balcony, whom you might notice late if at all. I’d put my money on the New Jersey horizon line.


About zjb

Zachary Braiterman is Professor of Religion in the Department of Religion at Syracuse University. His specialization is modern Jewish thought and philosophical aesthetics.
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2 Responses to Photographs (New York) (William Meyers)

  1. Nitzan says:

    A wonderful image. Is it a white cat on the opposite balcony? And did you notice the tulips on both sides of the image or rather the difference between the two squares?

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