Techno-Religion (gods and God)


I stumbled across this project on an art page I follow at FB. I’m not sure if the images are exactly great, but the Iconoclash project remains deeply suggestive about the imaging of God and theological emergence in the age of new media. The creators Erik Berglin and Clement Valla mashed up images from the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s digital image collection of “deities, talismans, stellae, gods, scribes and statues.” For much more interesting visuals, see Bruno Latour’s massive tome from several years back, also named Iconoclash. This is the visual junk out of which religion is made. For each generation and its media, a theomorph in its own likeness. A digital god is one of random things, the great destabilizer, offering no consolation, per se, not in this world. Has God ever been without image? Digital gods and a digital God are polymorphic iconoclashtic, faster than the speed of light. I never thought the idea of “God” solved any basic problem or stabilized any situation. This was a point made by Abraham Joshua Heschel already in the 1950s. The idea or presence of God exacerbates any and every single problem with it comes into contact, politically, epistemologically, morally, logically, visually. For a closer look and more images, you can go here and here.


About zjb

Zachary Braiterman is Professor of Religion in the Department of Religion at Syracuse University. His specialization is modern Jewish thought and philosophical aesthetics.
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